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In this Hard Talk panel, we delve into the strategic approach CSPs should adopt for network and IT, aiming to not only maximize returns on new network assets but also foster revenue growth. We'll discuss the shift from legacy OSS/BSS to digital monetization, disrupting functional legacy systems, harmonizing new IT with existing assets, and the potential success of 5G SA.

With growing interest in generative AI in telecoms, there's a challenge in navigating the organizational approach to this transformative opportunity. Unlike early tech adopters, telecoms have lagged in cloud computing and AI. This Hard Talk panel delves into how CSPs should strategically prepare for the impending business transformation that GenAI is poised to bring.

In the realm of ICT services and solutions, the concept of partner ecosystems driving innovation is widely embraced. Yet, do telecom operators have a role beyond mere connectivity in these ecosystems? In this Hard Talk, we explore the changing role of telcos in the IT/ICT scene, value of personalized connectivity, emerging significance of partner management, and instances of successful partner ecosystems.

Mobile operators once collaborated with multiple network equipment vendors, benefiting from standardized networks and backward compatibility for flexibility. Now, they face new challenges in partnering with dominant tech vendors like Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and Google, without a clear roadmap. CSPs aim to create open systems but building strong partnerships with public cloud companies may lead to potential lock-ins, raising concerns.

The structural separation of integrated telcos into ServCo's, NetCo's, and InfraCo's offers an asset-light, diverse services approach. However, some view it as a high-risk, high-reward strategy, potentially disrupting multi-billion dollar businesses and entering unfamiliar competitive arenas. We explore if this is the right decision for CSPs and the consequences of potential missteps.

5G presents an opportunity to deliver new services and new software-defined capabilities that allow customers to decide what sort of connectivity they want and where. What is connectivity-as-a-service, its potential business models, and the technology challenges of delivering it?

How cost-beneficial it is to migrate your IT and network workloads into the cloud and does it really create huge savings? Explore the claims and counterclaims, and the potential for taking a more consistent approach to making cost comparisons.
Is the level of dependence of today’s telecoms operators on public cloud providers a cause for concern? How do we get the balance right?
Some large connectivity providers want to expand their role in IoT by providing E2E services. But is this a realistic ambition? Do they have a clear strategy and is it worth it?
Telecoms operators' energy consumption has come under the spotlight as all businesses consider how to reduce their carbon footprints. With the inevitable growth in traffic in the 5G era, how can telcos reduce their emissions and what will be the impact of moving technology into the cloud?
When it comes to customer experience, some operators are happy with modest improvements while others are seeking to develop a digital experience that rivals that of cloud providers. Explore what a fully digital, data-driven customer experience is and what is at stake for those CSPs that are taking a less ambitious approach.
What does it mean for telecoms operators to become enablers from a commercial perspective? Is it just what we used to call wholesale but repositioned for the 5G era? If so, will all telcos welcome such a business model or will they seek growth from delivering services for the end-user?
With all the excitement about the potential of 5G in the B2B market, there is a risk that 5G in the consumer market gets overlooked. What are the tangible benefits that 5G offers over LTE for smartphone users and how to monetize them? Explore new 5G consumer services and devices, their market prospects and timelines.
5G presents an opportunity to deliver new services and new software-defined capabilities that allow customers to decide what sort of connectivity they want and where. What is connectivity-as-a-service, its potential business models, and the technology challenges of delivering it?
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Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.