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Telecoms operators and public cloud companies are getting cozy, but is it too close for comfort? How do you get the balance right between outsourcing operator technology requirements to public cloud companies and maintaining control of your telco business?
What do we need to do from both a commercial and technology perspective to attract the developer community and the platform-based business models to monetize developer engagement?
Some larger telcos have the ambition to expand their role in IoT beyond connectivity and to start providing E2E services. What is the current baseline in operator IoT business and where is progress being seen? Do any of them have a clear strategy for expanding into the IoT?
How can telecoms operators build the right internal skills, capabilities, and balance between insourcing and outsourcing to extract maximum value from AI? And equally interesting, when it comes to “operations”, is it inevitable for some of us to lose jobs as a result of AI?
With all the excitement about the potential of 5G in the B2B market, there is a risk that 5G in the consumer market gets overlooked. What are the tangible benefits that 5G offers over LTE for smartphone users and how to monetize them? Explore new 5G consumer services and devices, their market prospects and timelines.
5G presents an opportunity to deliver new services and new software-defined capabilities that allow customers to decide what sort of connectivity they want and where. What is connectivity-as-a-service, its potential business models, and the technology challenges of delivering it?
How cost-beneficial it is to migrate your IT and network workloads into the cloud and does it really create huge savings? Explore the claims and counterclaims, and the potential for taking a more consistent approach to making cost comparisons.
Is the level of dependence of today’s telecoms operators on public cloud providers a cause for concern? How do we get the balance right?
Some large connectivity providers want to expand their role in IoT by providing E2E services. But is this a realistic ambition? Do they have a clear strategy and is it worth it?
Telecoms operators and public cloud companies are getting cozy, but is it too close for comfort? How do you get the balance right between outsourcing operator technology requirements to public cloud companies and maintaining control of your telco business?
Some larger telcos have the ambition to expand their role in IoT beyond connectivity and to start providing E2E services. What is the current baseline in operator IoT business and where is progress being seen? Do any of them have a clear strategy for expanding into the IoT?
How can telecoms operators build the right internal skills, capabilities, and balance between insourcing and outsourcing to extract maximum value from AI? And equally interesting, when it comes to “operations”, is it inevitable for some of us to lose jobs as a result of AI?
With all the excitement about the potential of 5G in the B2B market, there is a risk that 5G in the consumer market gets overlooked. What are the tangible benefits that 5G offers over LTE for smartphone users and how to monetize them? Explore new 5G consumer services and devices, their market prospects and timelines.
5G presents an opportunity to deliver new services and new software-defined capabilities that allow customers to decide what sort of connectivity they want and where. What is connectivity-as-a-service, its potential business models, and the technology challenges of delivering it?
How cost-beneficial it is to migrate your IT and network workloads into the cloud and does it really create huge savings? Explore the claims and counterclaims, and the potential for taking a more consistent approach to making cost comparisons.
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Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.