
5G is different from other mobile generations both technically and in business terms and brings with it opportunities for differentiation and new and different revenue streams. However, the business benefits of 5G are reliant on the development of far better, more automated and integrated management and operational capabilities. This webinar explores what those dependencies are and where operators are with their 5G plans, whether they plan to differentiate services and performance on 5G and, if so, how they plan to do that.


Catherine Haslam v2.jpg
Dawn Bushaus.jpg
Catherine Haslam
Senior Analyst
TM Forum
Dawn Bushaus
Managing Editor
TM Forum


RSVP Today

Space is extremely limited


Tiki Bar - Pagan Idol

Located in the heart of downtown San Francisco

Monday, April 24 2017

Doors open at 7pm; come early to ensure entry


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