Watch Exploring marketplaces for software and services webinar on demand

Providing communications services is no longer a go-it-alone business and time is running out for telecom operators to decide exactly what they want to be, is the marketplace model the answer?

The market has spoken, and it has been determined that communications services will be designed and delivered by an ecosystem of technology partners. It's essential to understand who will play what role in this ecosystem and what shape the ecosystem will take.

During this webinar, we'll discuss one such ecosystem construct—the communications services marketplace — as a potential solution. We will review recent TM Forum survey results on this topic and describe the marketplace and variations on the theme (internal marketplace, B2B2X, platform play, edge).

We will also discuss the following:

  • What would CSPs need in skills and solutions to operate a marketplace?
  • Does the marketplace require a neutral third party? Who owns the customer?
  • Will CSPs be just a cog in the wheel and is that so bad?
  • What are the alternatives?


Watch on-demand today

Watch webinar on-demand

Tiki Bar - Pagan Idol

Located in the heart of downtown San Francisco

Monday, April 24 2017

Doors open at 7pm; come early to ensure entry


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