April 27, 2023
14:00 BST

Establishing Links: Platform models in the Open API economy

With the recent advancements in the telecom industry, APIs have now become key business-enablers allowing CSPs to build platforms and ecosystems that drive new sources of revenue.

So, what’s next for Open APIs? What are the prospects for extending them into enterprise customer’s own systems and processes? To unravel such questions and more, join the webinar.


Join us to learn

Capabilities and functionalities needed in BSS for potential revenue growth
CSPs’ investment and technology priorities for Open APIs
Capabilities and functionalities needed in BSS for potential revenue growth
The role of APIs in exposing telecoms operator assets
Capabilities and functionalities needed in BSS for potential revenue growth
Challenges and opportunities for the adoption of APIs in cloud-native networks 
Capabilities and functionalities needed in BSS for potential revenue growth
What is needed to allow CSPs to deliver connectivity as easily as cloud compute​
An assessment of the progress in API adoption
Block Model

That’s a brilliant idea you’ve got. Build it, and they will come.


Karthik T.S.

Head - Centre of Excellence

Torry Harris Integration Solutions
Mark Newman

Chief Analyst

TM Forum 
Ergün Mercan

Account Director

Ed Finegold

Contributing Analyst

TM Forum
Pedro Sousa


Liberty Latin America
Pedro Sousa


Liberty Latin America

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