Join 'A step-by-step guide to monetizing your APIs ' webinar on March 19, 2019

TM Forum’s first AI trend analysis report identified delivering a better customer experience as the biggest driver for implementing AI. At 48% , it was a full 11 percentage points higher than the next driver, reducing OpEx. In that report, we identified multiple use cases and examples across the gamut of functions and systems that go to deliver the customer experience.

In this webinar, we will dig deeper into the businesses cases, levels of success and where the benefits are being garnered. We will identify what is and isn’t working and quantify the impact AI can have. We’ll also examine where AI still has more potential to help transform the customer experience by delivering greater accuracy and responsiveness and improving relevance.


Catherine Haslam v2.jpg
Catherine Haslam
Senior Analyst 
TM Forum 
Dawn Bushaus.jpg
Dawn Bushaus
Managing Editor
TM Forum


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Tiki Bar - Pagan Idol

Located in the heart of downtown San Francisco

Monday, April 24 2017

Doors open at 7pm; come early to ensure entry


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